How Long does Acacia Wood Last? A Complete Guide 2023

Does your Acacia wood furniture have a specific shelf-life? And if so, how long does it actually last? There are a lot of questions out there about how long does Acacia wood last, and you’re probably wondering the same thing. The truth is, it depends on multiple factors. I’ll be going over those factors to help you understand when yours may need to be disposed of.


Acacia Wood Longevity

Acacia wood can last longer than many other kinds of wood under the right conditions. With proper care, it can last several decades outdoors or even a lifetime indoors. As outdoor furniture, acacia wood can last more than 20 years while indoor furniture made from acacia wood can last forever.

Acacia wood is generally used for flooring, furniture making, boat building, tool handles, railroad ties, and other industrial purposes because of its class A durability rating. It can last for up to 25 years with minimum maintenance but this depends on how it is cared for.

Factors that determine the longevity of Acacia Wood

There are several factors that determine how long Acacia wood last. Some important factors are explained below:

Growing Conditions: The acacia’s lifespan depends on its variety and its growing conditions. Somewhat ironically, the fastest-growing species are the shortest-lived. The trees may be dead within 20 to 50 years of planting, even though they can reach heights of over 30 feet in that time. In their native habitats, acacias often die around 15 or 20 years old from a fungal disease called anthracnose, which is caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. A few varieties are more resistant to this disease, but not all nurseries carry them.

Species of Acacia wood: There are about 1,300 species of acacia trees in the world. These trees grow in Australia, Africa, and other tropical climates. Some types of acacia are smaller plants (called shrubs), while others can grow to heights of more than 100 feet (30 m). The size and type of acacia tree you have will determine how long the wood lasts and what it can be used for. In general, the harder varieties of acacia — those that come from larger trees — tend to last longer than those from smaller trees or shrubs. For example, Australian blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) is a large tree that produces extremely durable hardwood. Blackwood is often used to make furniture and musical instruments (like guitars).

The density of Acacia wood: Acacia wood is naturally durable and weather resistant. The wood has a density of about 730 kg/m3. So, even without treatment, it is resistant to decay, insects, and fungi. Acacia wood can last a lifetime outdoors unless exposed to water or humidity for long periods of time. Acacia has a very high density that makes it durable and resistant to rotting and humidity as well as insect infestation. These factors contribute to the longevity of acacia wood. This type of wood also has a high oil content that helps keep its natural golden color even after being exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.

profile plane and chips on a black table

Climate Conditions: The most important factor affecting Acacia’s longevity is the climate in which it is harvested. The lumber grows in tropical regions, where there are high levels of humidity in the air. The lumber enjoys this type of environment, which keeps its fibers strong and resilient. It’s important to choose acacia furniture made from seasoned wood, as it will last longer if it’s been treated properly before being sold to consumers.

The location of the wood: Where the wood is used matters. Indoors, you will have better control over temperature and humidity than outdoors. Exterior woods are more likely to be affected by changes in the weather and climate than interior woods.

Environmental Conditions: Direct exposure to sunlight causes the wood to dry out faster than usual, turning it brittle and far more likely to break or crack when under pressure or stress. It is recommended that you keep your furniture under cover as much as possible if you live in a harsh climate that receives direct sunlight for the most part of the day. The same applies to other extreme weather elements such as heavy rainfall or snowfall because they can cause mold and mildew growth which damages the wood

How to Increase Acacia wood Longevity?

There are certain tips and precautionary measures that help to increase Acacia wood longevity. Some are explained below:

Protect acacia wood from severe Weather Conditions

If you live in an area where rain and snow are common, it’s best to put your furniture under a patio umbrella or porch. Acacia wood is susceptible to water damage, so if left out in the open, it could rot. If you want to keep your acacia furniture out in the open, make sure you cover it when inclement weather is coming. Covering your furniture will also protect it from getting dirty or covered in bird droppings.

Avoid Placement in extremely dry conditions

Try not to place your acacia wood near any air conditioning vents or fans because these can make the furniture dry out too much and crack. Acacia wood should be kept in a warm, humid environment so that it doesn’t become brittle or crack.

Avoid the use of harmful chemicals

Many people use chemicals to treat the wood before they use it in their homes or office. Acacia wood is often treated with acids, dyes, or lacquers to improve its appearance or durability. However, these chemical treatments have been shown to reduce the life of the wood by up to 30%. You should avoid using these chemicals on your acacia wood if you want it to last longer.

Give timely Treatment to Your Acacia wood

It is important to give the appropriate treatment to your acacia wood. This will protect it from the elements and keep it looking good for years. These include:

1. Finish- Acacia wood with a protective finish will last longer than acacia without a protective finish.

2. Varnish- A varnish finish will help protect your acacia wood from scratches and other damage that can occur.

3. Paint- If you plan on painting your acacia wood, make sure the paint contains UV blockers or other ingredients that help prevent fading over time.

4. Sealant- Acrylic sealant is another option to help protect your acacia wood from scratches and other damage that can occur over time.

5. Sanding- Sanding will help remove any imperfections in the surface of your acacia wood before applying a stain or paint to it, which will help prevent staining later on down the road as well as increase its longevity by making sure it doesn’t have any spots where moisture can seep through and cause problems with mold growth or rot over


Acacia wood is known to be resistant to decay and rot. When treated with proper maintenance and care, it’s been known to last decades. However, when it’s not properly maintained or cared for, or if the wood is used in extreme weather conditions, then the lifespan of Acacia wood decreases dramatically.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will acacia hardwood flooring last?

With proper maintenance, your acacia hardwood floor will last a lifetime. Acacia hardwood is one of the hardest wood species on the planet and is resistant to wear and tear. The only way it can be damaged is through improper installation or extremely rough treatment.

Does acacia wood last long?

Acacia wood is known to be very sturdy and stable, which makes it long-lasting and durable enough for outdoor use in all weather conditions.

How Long will Acacia Wood Last Outdoors?

Acacia wood is very durable in the ground, but it does have its limits. Most wood will last at least 8-10 years in the ground organically treated, and 20 years+ if pressure treated with chemicals. The average lifespan of Acacia wood outdoors can be anywhere from 10-25+ years depending on treatment methods