Acacia Wood VS Walnut Wood – WoodTours

When people compare these two types of wood (Acacia wood VS Walnut Wood), they often do so because they are very similar and are used in similar applications. Which material is better? Here’s a comparison to help you make a decision when choosing what to use on your next project.



Acacia wood is a type of hardwood native to the southern African countries of Angola, Namibia, and South Africa. Acacia wood is also known as East African Mahogany or East Indian Mahogany.

Walnut wood, on the other hand, is a type of hardwood native to the Western hemisphere and is also known as American black walnut.

Growth Time:

Acacia trees will typically reach their mature height in five to seven years, depending on climate conditions. Walnut trees will typically reach their full height in 12 to 15 years. These trees produce fruits that contain nutmeat inside them


Color Variation:

Acacia wood is a hardwood whose color ranges from a pale yellowish yellow to a rich golden yellow. Walnut usually has a dark brown or blackish color with traces of lighter color along the edges. Acacia wood has a lot less color variation due to its lighter color than Walnut wood. Due to this lack of color variation, Acacia tends to be more uniform in color than Walnut wood which means that it’s easier to stain and finish.

Grain pattern:

The grain pattern of both kinds of wood is important when deciding what type of wood to use for your product. Acacia tends to have one or two larger knots or streaks at 90-degree angles, which gives it a rustic look and feel that might not be appealing to everyone. Walnut has a much smoother grain pattern that is much less noticeable.


Acacia wood is also more durable than walnut wood. The main difference between the two types of wood is durability. Walnut wood is a little harder than acacia wood, which means it can survive a little better in high-traffic areas where it may come into contact with water or spills. Acacia wood, on the other hand, is softer, so it’s susceptible to damage from water and extreme temperatures on a regular basis.

Hardness and Density:

Acacia is a harder wood than Walnut. The hardness of Acacia wood ranges from 12.5 to 13.5 (very hard), while the hardness of Walnut ranges from 10 to 11.5 (hard), so there’s a difference in strength between them.

Acacia is denser than Walnut, which means the weight of an Acacia board will be heavier than that of a Walnut board of the same size. Acacia has 16 kg/m3 density while walnut has 13 kg/m3 density.

Feasibility to use:

Acacia wood is softer than its Walnut counterpart, which can make it easier to work with for furniture. It also has less shrinkage over time and does not absorb moisture as readily as other woods do. Its finish is harder than Walnut and will not stain or scratch as easily as other woods. Abrasive sandpaper without oil or paint can successfully be used on this wood without further damage occurring due to water absorption or the chemical reaction between water and oil.


Acacia is more popular for its durability and cheaper price compared to walnut wood. Walnut wood is more expensive than Acacia wood. The average price for a sheet of Acacia wood is $3-$5 per sheet, while Walnut wood is priced around $50-$65 per sheet.

Resistance to water:

Walnut might be resistant to decay but it chips easily, splinters and cracks easily. The edges of the walnut tend to crack or split if used on doors where it comes into contact with moisture or humidity however the edges of acacia are not susceptible to these problems; acacia does not split or crack even if it comes into contact with moisture or moisture.


Acacia wood is most commonly used for flooring and furniture because it does not allow any form of decay or rotting. The uses of Acacia are varied and include decorative items, flooring, plywood, paneling, and furniture. The most common use is for both interior and exterior construction. Wood is a popular choice for cabinets, flooring, and furniture. The uses of walnut are varied as well. It is used in the manufacturing of furniture, plywood, paneling, flooring, cabinetry, and more. It is also a very popular choice for cabinets as it offers a beautiful grain pattern.

However, walnut wood outshines Acacia wood by offering a number of benefits such as resistance to heat damage and decay which makes it an ideal choice for outdoor applications where there is exposure to weather conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What’s the difference between Acacia wood and Walnut wood?

Acacia tends to be lighter in color with a tighter grain pattern than Walnut, which has a darker color and more open grain pattern. Acacia wood is lighter, less susceptible to warping, and more resistant to pests. Walnut wood is harder, more likely to attract termites or develop cracks, but it’s easier to sand.

Is Acacia wood or Walnut wood better?

If you’re looking for a lighter-colored, smoother-grained wood that is easy to craft into furniture, then Acacia may be ideal for you. If you’re looking for a darker-colored, waiver-grained wood that can be used as a stunning accent piece or as an accessible alternative to high-quality hardwoods like Maple or Oak, then Walnut may work well for you.

Is acacia wood hard?

Acacia wood is harder than maple and walnut woods, but not quite as hard as cherry or oak woods. This means that it holds up well against wear and tear, but not so well against heavy.


The important points are Acacia hardwood is less expensive, more durable, and easy to work with. Acacia hardwood is used in the manufacture of cutting boards, kitchen cabinets, tables and chairs, butcher blocks, and flooring. Walnut wood can be found in high-end furniture sets such as desks and dining room tables. Acacia hardwood is a harder wood than walnut wood. The density of acacia hardwood is greater than that of walnut wood which makes it more durable.